...still a mystery to us.
The answer is somewhere in our house, an ultrasound photo with a note on it, slipped inside a folded piece of the perinatologist's letterhead, stuffed in an envelope. I say "somewhere" because I told R to hide it, lest I become tempted to peek.
During our weekly ultrasound yesterday (15w0d), Kiddo still wasn't cooperating on revealing the gender. Then suddenly the ultrasound tech told us to look away if we didn't want to know. She said she's 99% sure, because she was able to see both from the bottom and the side.
At first, that made me think boy, because what would you see from the side if it was a girl? But then it occurred to me that not seeing anything from the side would also be a confirmation if she was thinking it was a girl. So who knows? Well, I guess the ultrasound tech does. But not us.
I'm not sure yet when we're going to open it. Probably not unless we make it to 30 weeks. Maybe not unless we're on the way to the hospital for delivery.
Or maybe we'll just let it be a surprise and then open it after the suprise has already been revealed.
If we were "normal", if we hadn't been through the hell of the last 9 1/2 years, we would have found out yesterday. But R wants to stay as detatched as possible. We're afraid to start forming fantasies in our heads, and that's easier to do if we know "girl" or "boy", so for now we'll just hold off on finding out.
And hope that when the time does come to open the envelope, R will remember where he hid it...
P.S. I know I still need to post about progesterone. I underestimated the time it would take me to do schoolwork last weekend, which spilled over into last week. The short of it: three weeks ago, while on 1 suppository a day and 1/2 cc of PIO every other day, my level was at 19.7. And on Thursday, being on just 1 suppository a day and no PIO in more than two weeks, it was up to 29.something, so I'm feeling a bit better about it and hoping it's a sign that my placenta is kicking in. I'm now on 1 suppository every other day, with another recheck this coming Thursday.
Broken Things
7 years ago
Oh, I am SO glad to hear your progesterone is in a happier place now. WHEW!! I always feel more secure in my pregnancies once I start feeling movement, hopefully that will be true for you and R too.
Aside from attachment, because there are so many calculated decisions in IF, I think I would want to find out the gender at the birth. It might make me feel normal for a change - ha ha - but that's just my thoughts. Glad to hear the progesterone situation is no longer giving you grief. Hope you can enjoy your pregnancy a bit more now :)
I wondered if you were going to want to know the gender...I've never been able to keep it a surprise; the suspense gets to me. Glad to know things are progressing well.
Luckily we wanted to know the gender, because at my 20 week scan the wee one was showing it all off so clearly that I didn't need a sonographer to tell me what flavour we were getting. So pleased that the progesterone is behaving itself!
I'm so jealous, I wanted to find out at delivery, but my husband threw a temper tantrum in the U/S room. I was so embarrassed I turned to look at the monitor and I could tell right away....
Glad to hear your progesterone is coming along....go placenta go!!
Good luck! As always keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I originally didn't want to find out, but then decided that knowing would cut down on the name arguments. Having had a couple losses myself, I know I didn't start feeling more safe till I hit the 28 week mark when outcomes are usually pretty good after a NICU stay.
I should have been a good girl and gotten the tech to write it down and put it in an envelope, since I was at the 20wk scan by myself while DH works. Instead, they asked if I wanted to know, and I said sure. Then I phoned DH on the way home to tell him.
I think it's helpful to know the sex, in terms of name-picking and decorating and clothes-buying. I guess there are reasonably neutral newborn items out there, but when you get to older baby/toddler clothing, there's either very boy stuff or very girl stuff, and not much in between.
I also was convinced I was having a girl, and I wanted to know yes or no ahead of time so I'd have time to adjust. I did the anesthetic for one C/S where the woman didn't know the sex ahead of time and had her third girl. She was booked for a C/S and tubal ligation and her husband wasn't in the OR with her. She looked so disappointed that it was a girl that we asked her if she was sure she wanted the tubes tied, and she got her DH in for a quick discussion before deciding against it. I guess three kids weren't enough for them, and they'll probably keep going till they have a boy. I felt so bad for the poor baby, the little unwanted girl. At least if they'd found out earlier on, they'd have come to terms with the sex and hopefully would have just been excited to have a healthy baby.
Great news on your progesterone levels. I'm glad things are still going well.
Things sound great! But, you might be surprised in a few weeks, when you start feeling little wiggles and kicks how completely attached to that little baby you will get. It is amazing how they wiggle right under all that big wall of defensiveness! Besides, you will have to start shopping at some point and shopping starts fantasizing and well...it can be hard. We got attached early so I was probably pretty bad.
So happy to hear about the P4! That is great news!
It is a boy. The gender can form up through and until the 17th week of pregnancy. If she is 99% sure then she saw the penis and it has formed. Just thought I would let you know.
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