March 22, 2008

And Then There Was Spotting

Today is 5w6d. Historically, except for the last pregnancy, all have gone wrong by 6w1d.

This afternoon when I went to the bathroom, there was some slight spotting. It was very light, and it was brown, and it was not there the next time I went to the bathroom.

I haven't had any menstrual type cramps. I laid down and took a nap for a couple of hours. My boobs still hurt, I still seem to be having the "good" kind of cramping pain that I'm guessing are ligaments stretching.

But still, there was spotting. I know spotting is not always a bad thing. I know lots of women have spotting and go on to have normal, healthy, totally fine pregnancies. But I also know one other thing.

Spotting is never a good thing. At best, it's neutral. At worst, well, let's see. I've had lots of experience with that. Five times, as a matter of fact.

I've spent two of the past four Mother's Days miscarrying. Let's hope I don't start to make it a holiday trend.


Rachel Inbar said...

I'm praying for you. I've been on the good side of spotting (2 full-term pregnancies after spotting) and I really hope that you will be too.

Anna said...

Oh Rebecca, I'm hoping and praying for you that the spotting will just be a blip. Hang in there and keep us posted. (((hugs)))

Grad3 said...

Sending you good thoughts- hang in there. I know this is hard! ~Hugs~

DebbieDo said...

I spotted too but thankfully all was ok. When I told my doctor I was spotting he put me back on bed rest for 24 hours. Might want to think about taking it easy. And no lifting over 10 lbs.

I'm sendiggn you positive vibes.

Cathy said...

Fingers crossed.